Kalau denger cewek curhat soal cinta, itu biasa. Tapi kalau ada cowok yang mengungkapkan kisah cintanya dalam sebuah novel itu agak-agak nggak biasa. Yup, Falen Pratama salah satunya! Melalui See You When I See You, Falen mengungkapkan cerita cintanya. Seperti apa kisahnya? Ikuti obrolan Kune bersama Falen di bawah ini, ya! (more…)
Tetanus, Perjuangan antara Stand Up Comedy & Menulis
“Apalah arti sebuah nama?” Sepertinya, ungkapan tersebut nggak berpengaruh sama Arya Novrianus. Kenapa? Karena di dalam namanya, terdapat kata “Anus”. Hal itu jelas berpengaruh sama “perkembangan kepribadian” Arya! Meski demikian, hal itu nggak menyurutkan semangat Arya untuk “melahirkan” Tetanus. Seperti apa isinya? Ini nih, jawaban Arya! (more…)
Rasuk; Karya Terbaru Risa Saraswati
Book lover’s, malam Minggu lalu Kune jalan-jalan ke Bandung, dong. Tepatnya ke Cafe Panas Dalam, Bandung. Tapi, bukan sekadar jalan-jalan, lho. Pasalnya, pada Sabtu, 19 September 2015 lalu itu, Kune menghadiri launching buku terbaru Risa Saraswati yang berjudul Rasuk. (more…)
Menilik Keseruan Empat Admin dalam Meme Dibaca Mim
Apa jadinya kalau empat orang jones bergabung jadi satu? Pastinya seru dong. Banyak cerita dan pengalaman seru yang bisa menghibur siapa saja. Hal itulah yang terjadi dalam buku Meme Dibaca Mim. Seperti apa, sih isinya? Yuk, kita intip via Anindita Adhiwijayanti. (more…)
Keset Kusut; Cerita Arie yang Suka Baper
Kamu, iya kamu. Apakah kamu suka baper a.k.a bawa perasaan? Kalau iya, sama dong kayak teman Kune yang bernama Arie Je. Arie itu nggak bisa deh diberi perhatian sedikit sama cewek cantik. Bawaannya pasti langsung jatuh hati. (more…)
Cinta Lama Bukune Kembali: Kembalinya Buku Romance Bukune
Bukune banyak menerbitkan buku, mulai dari yang horor, komedi, pelit, juga yang berbentuk komik. Tapi jangan lupa, Bukune juga punya koleksi buku-buku fiksi romance kayak Cinta dengan Titik karya Bernard Batubara, Lovely High School karya Yoana Dianika, Penjual Kenangan karya Widya Oktavia, First Time in Beijing karya Riawani Elyta, Swiss: Little Snow in Zurich karya Alvi Syahrin, dan masih banyak lagi deh. (more…)
Everything You Need To Know About Blogging
People communicate differently than they used to thanks to technology that didn't exist before. Blogging is hot right now, and this article can help you to take advantage of that. Make use of a mind map. Organizing your blog into a mind-map, using the categories, posts, promotion and all of your income sources can be a great method of organization. It creates a way for you to see where your blog is lacking and what you can do to make it more successful. Everything you do can end up being the subject of a blog. Take notes when you are...
Expert Advice On Building A Better Blogging Plan
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Getting Busy With Your Blogging Using These Tips
You can enjoy the Internet more, connect in a more interactive way, and even possibly make some money by blogging. You can find a number of different sites online that can help you get started as a blogger. Use the tips in the following article to help get your blog started on the right foot. Blogging can be personally fulfilling and enjoyable. Read them, and enjoy! Post original content on your blog, and include pictures or other content. Linking out to relevant sites, quoting experts in a field or adding videos can also make a post more interesting. Make sure...
Put These Blogging Techniques Into Practice Today
Where do you begin when you decide that you want to start blogging? Everyone has something to say and blogging can be the perfect way to say it. The choices that you make can make or break the success of your blog. Use the information from this article to help you craft a blog that accomplishes your goals. If you are starting your own blog, you probably won't have a multitude of readers and comments right away. You will have to search out people and show them you exist. Some ways to do this are with social networking, such as...